Monday, December 14, 2009

Lieberman opposes Medicare at 55

As part of the healthcare bill, the Democratic Senators are trying to pass a section in it that says medicare benefits will be available for Americans that are 55 years of age and older. However, in order for them to do that they will need 59 or 60 of their 60 Democratic Senators to vote in favor of the bill because all Republican Senators oppose the bill. Senator Lieberman, a member of the Democratic party, also opposes Medicare benefits at age 55. Though, the Democratic party still has a hope in convincing a moderate Republican Senator, Senator Snowe of Maine, of voting in favor of the bill and being the one vote that they need in order to pass the bill. Most Democrats support the public option of healthcare as a nonprofit competitor to private insurers that would expand coverage and bring down prices. Republicans and some moderate Democrats, along with the health insurance industry, oppose the public option, saying it would be a first step toward a government takeover of the entire health care system.

Personally, I do not want government run healthcare. I think they have enough say in our lives as it is, why should they control our healthcare as well when they already take 40% of our paychecks. If we had government run healthcare our paychecks would just get hit that much more. And yes, they are many people out there that do not have healthcare, but I think there should be some other way for them to get it rather than literally forcing all Americans to have healthcare through the government. Maybe make government run healthcare available to those who need it or want it and let the rest continue on how they choose to be with either private health insurance or none at all. Also, I think it is very brave of Senator Lieberman to stand up and openly oppose the Medicare at 55 bill, knowing that every other Democratic member of the House is in favor of the bill. By Senator Lieberman standing up and openly opposing the bill it goes to show that the "One man, one vote" quote holds true. Senator Lieberman, one man, could stop a whole bill from passing; one vote could take the bill right off the table. Also, I think having Medicare available at age 55 would only hurt the American economy more at this point rather than benefit it. Were already struggling to fund such programs and if we make the age 10 years lower than it is, that's how many more people the program would have to provide for. I think it would be too much and would result in too many tax spikes.

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