Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pilots who missed airport may face license suspension or revocation


The two northwest airline pilots that were involved in last week's overflight of the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport are expected to have their licenses either revoked or suspended as early as Tuesday. (Oct. 27) The two pilots who were flying the plane were Timothy B. Cheney, age 53, and Richard I. Cole, age 54. The two lost contact with any airport for an hour and a half and overshot the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, flying all the way into Wisconsin. Cheneny and Cole both told investigators that they were using personal laptop computers during the flight and lost track of time. This however, is a violation of the Northwest company policy. They said that they only became aware of the plane's location after a flight attendant asked about the landing time.

In this particular situation I don't feel that Cheney and Cole's licenses should be completely taken away, but I do believe they should be suspended until further information is uncovered. I don't think it is that serious of a deal that they overshot the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport because they weren't hurting anyone. However, by losing contact with the airports caused an uproar and fear that the plane had been taken over by hi-jackers or something. I do believe that when a pilot is flying a plane they should be totally and completely focused on that. They have other peoples' lives in their hands. I do understand that being a pilot can get somewhat boring just sitting up there watching the clouds go by while the plane is on autopilot, but it is their job to get the passengers from point A to point B safely and as on time as possible. When I hear of them using laptop computers while they are flying an airplane I relate it to texting and driving. People do it but it is not safe. And I think the same goes for flying airplanes, more so even because you have hundreds of peoples' lives in your hands. And I believe that some sort of punishment should be given out to these pilots because it is against company policy, and I'm assuming that they have done it many times before also. So, instead of completely taking their license away, maybe place them on some sort of probation or something.

Joe believes that the pilots were sleeping while flying the plane and feels that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Obviously he has no mercy what so ever for either of them. Me on the other hand, I feel they should just be given some sort of probabtion because everybody makes mistakes. I understand they have many peoples' lives in their hands but no one is perfect. You can check out the rest of Joe's opinion at: http://jumpingjoeblog.blogspot.com/

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