Monday, September 14, 2009

Well...a healthcare bill is going to pass, the question is when

Congress has been busy in Washington trying to come up with a good healthcare bill. Some members have been playing down the immediate government insurance option. Others have been trying to set up a complete road block to national healthcare all together. But President Obama believes that there will be enough votes in Congress to not only set up a healthcare bill, but a good one as well. He spoke to both houses of congress last week in hopes of calming the waters and keeping everyone's minds open. Obama is more for a national healthcare plan than a non-profit organization system because sucess of those has been inconsistant and Obama wants a plan that is going to work and benefit the people for sure.

Personally, I do not want a national health care system. My mom gets health insurance through her work and given that if she were to lose her job my family would lose its healthcare coverage, but I think it's a risk worth taking. I think it's a risk worth taking because if we had a national healthcare system my paycheck along with every other working American's paycheck would get nailed even more than it already does. In the end everyone would benefit, but why should we all have to pay for our healthcare individually when it can be done souly through my mom. Also, what about those that aren't working and don't have a job? Would they still get healthcare benefits then? Or would the working class still be paying for their healthcare just like we are now for the ones that don't have health insurance? I think these are all very good questions that deserve an answer, and depending on how they are answered will decide if the bill receives my support or not. But as of right now I feel as if I do not know enough of the details to fully make a decision other than that I am against it, because as of right now it just seems that it wouldn't be a bill that would benefit me directly. I think if I am already covered under my mom, and will be for the next few years of my life until I am on my own, that paying for healthcare out of my own paycheck is one less thing I should have to worry about. Plus when I am older I'm pretty sure that I will have a job that will provide health care for my family and I. So maybe national healthcare could become a choice thing, if that would be possible?

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